General Program
Registration and Check-In
Maghrib & Isha Prayer and Tadzkirah
Nasi Rawon (Rawon Beef Soup with rice)
Welcoming Remarks
Fajr Prayer + Ma'thurat
Sister's Exercise: Zumba
Brother's Exercise: Senam Kesegaran Jasmani (SKJ)
Indomie goreng ayam (Fried noodles with chicken)
Grand Opening Ceremony
Banyak Amal Tapi Tak Bernilai
Language: Bahasa
Apa saja 6 sifat dan perbuatan yang dapat menghancurkan amalan kita? Perlu diketahui agar jangan sampai tabungan amal yang susah-payah kita kerjakan menjadi hancur tidak bernilai dihadapan Allah karena sifat dan perbuatan kita sendiri.
Strong Iman: Argument for the Existence of God
Language: English
How the Prophet Built Leaders and the Relevance to the 21st Century
Language: English
In this session, we will explore the timeless leadership principles demonstrated by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and how his methods of building and nurturing leaders can inspire and inform current leadership practices. Speakers will highlight how these teachings are not only relevant to religious leadership but also to modern-day community settings.
Dhuhr and Asr Prayer
Bakso komplit (Meatball noodle soup)
Percaya Kepada Rencana Allah
Language: Bahasa
Setiap kita punya rencana. Allah juga punya rencana. Dan Dialah sebaik-baik yang membuat rencana. Percayalah.
Signs of the Day of Judgment: Reminders and Debunking Misconceptions
Language: English
In this session, the audeince will understand the various signs of the Day of Judgment as described in the Qur'an and Hadith, and reflect on their relevance in our lives today. From the minor signs to the major signs, this session will unpack the deeper meanings of these prophetic indications. More importantly, common misconceptions surrounding the signs of the Day of Judgment, offering clarity based on authentic Islamic sources will be addressed during this session. How can we discern between genuine signs and exaggerations? What should our response be to these reminders about the Hereafter?
Trusting Allah’s Timing Through the Prophet’s Example
Language: English
From moments of personal hardship to the most pivotal events in Islamic history, the Prophet’s journey demonstrates a deep trust in Allah's plan, even when the path seemed uncertain. This session will explore key moments in his life where trust in Allah's timing was crucial and discuss how these instances offer timeless wisdom for navigating the challenges and uncertainties of our own lives.
The Road to Marriage: IMSA Matrimonial Session
Asr Prayer for Locality
Stories of Tyrants: Resilience from the Qur'an
Language: English
In this session, we will explore the powerful narratives of tyrants and oppressors in the Qur'an, examining how their stories serve as both warnings and sources of resilience for believers. Speakers will highlight the resilience shown by the Prophets and righteous figures who stood firm in the face of tyranny, drawing lessons on steadfastness, patience, and the importance of remaining true to faith in the most challenging of circumstances.
Supporting Vulnerable Community Members: Divorcees, Family Relations, and Mental Health
Language: English
In this session, this session will address the often-overlooked challenges faced by overlooked community members—particularly divorcees, navigating difficult family relationships, and individuals struggling with mental health issues. Drawing on Islamic teachings, contemporary research, and practical strategies, speakers will explore how communities can offer compassionate support to those experiencing these challenges, helping them rebuild, heal, and thrive.
Menumbuhkan Keluarga Al-Qur'an di Rumah
Language: Bahasa
Al-Qur’an adalah pedoman hidup bagi kita umat islam, baik secara individu dan bermasyarakat. Keluarga adalah unit terkecil dalam masyarakat. Untuk mendapatkan masyarakat qur’ani, diperlukan keluarga-keluarga qur’ani. Mulailah dari diri dan keluarga di rumah.
Preparing for Life After Death: Islamic Guidance on Estate Planning and Inheritance
Language: English
This session will explore the importance of preparing for life after death through Islamic principles of estate planning and inheritance. The Islamic inheritance system, as outlined in the Qur'an and Hadith, provides a clear and just framework that ensures the fair distribution of wealth among heirs, while safeguarding family relationships. Speakers will delve into the key components of Islamic inheritance law, including the rights of spouses, children, parents, and other relatives, and discuss the importance of creating a will that aligns with these teachings.
Pursuing Islamic Knowledge: Lifelong Learning in Faith
Language: English
Islamic tradition has long placed a high value on knowledge, with the Qur'an and Hadith urging believers to seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave. This session will examine the spiritual, intellectual, and practical benefits of continuous learning in Islam and how it enhances our relationship with Allah, our community, and ourselves. Speakers will discuss the various avenues for acquiring Islamic knowledge, from formal studies in traditional settings to self-guided learning through books, lectures, and online resources.
Peran Iman dalam Mengatasi Stres dan Kecemasan: Perspektif Psikologi Islam
Language: Bahasa
Kita semakin sering mendengar isu mental health dalam masyarakat. Stress dan kecemasan menjadi salah satu penyebabnya. Bagaimana islam memberikan solusi?
Maghrib & Isha Prayer and Tadzkirah
Soto Ayam (Indonesian chicken soup with rice)
Berkah Harta Karena Sedekah
Language: Bahasa
Harta adalah titipan yang kelak Allah akan minta pertanggung-jawabannnya. Bukanlah soal banyaknya harta yang kita miliki, tapi apakah harta itu menjadi berkah atau musibah? Bagaimana sedekah membuat harta kita menjadi berkah? Dan apa saja kiat melawan tipudaya setan yang menakuti manusia dengan kemiskinan karena sedekah?
Screening and Q&A of Short Film: Angel of Gaza [Open to all ages]
Language: English
Join us for a powerful and moving screening of the short film Angel of Gaza, followed by an engaging Q&A session with the documentary’s director, Ahmed Mansour. Through its vivid storytelling and emotional depth, Angel of Gaza offers a glimpse into the resilience and courage of those affected by the ongoing crisis. Following the screening, there will be a Q&A session where the director will discuss the themes of the film, the importance of raising awareness about the situation in Gaza, and the role of storytelling.
Fajr Prayer + Quran/Salawat
Fun Hike
Nasi Goreng (Fried rice)
Keimanan Yang Diakui Allah
Language: Bahasa
Allah mengingatkan kita dalam Al-Qur’an agar jangan mati kecuali dalam keadaan muslim. Kita sudah mengakui beriman, tapi bagaimana agar keimanan kita diakui Allah? Apa ciri-ciri orang beriman dalam Islam?
Empowering Muslim Communities: Rights, Advocacy, and Activism in Action
Language: English
This session will focus on how Muslim communities can effectively advocate for their rights, raise awareness about social justice issues, and engage in meaningful activism. Drawing from both Islamic teachings and contemporary approaches to advocacy, we will explore the importance of mobilizing for change and working within diverse societal frameworks to uplift marginalized voices.
Preparing for the End of Life: Husn AlKhaatimah Lessons from Prophet Muhammad’s Dying Process
Language: English
In this session, we will explore the concept of Husn al-Khaatima (a good and noble ending) through the lens of Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH) dying process, offering valuable lessons on how to prepare for the inevitable in a way that brings spiritual peace and closeness to Allah. The Prophet's final days provide timeless guidance on how to live a life of faith, piety, and integrity, and how to approach death with patience, grace, and trust in Allah’s mercy. This session will focus on the significance of repentance, maintaining strong faith during illness, and the importance of leaving behind a legacy of good deeds.
Faith Through Fire: Persevering in Times of Hardship
Language: English
Life’s trials are inevitable, but how we navigate them with faith can transform our experiences. This session will explore how to persevere through hardship while maintaining strong faith, drawing strength from Islamic teachings and examples. Whether facing personal loss, health challenges, financial struggles, or societal pressures, the ability to remain patient and trust in Allah’s plan is crucial for spiritual growth and resilience. Audience members will emerge from this session with wisdom to only endure hardship and become stronger, wiser, and more spiritually connected.
Unpacking the Hadith: Clarifying Misinterpretations and Historical Context
Language: English
While Hadith is a foundational source of Islamic knowledge, its context, application, and interpretation require careful study to avoid misunderstandings that can lead to division or confusion. This session will examine how historical, cultural, and linguistic contexts shape the meanings of Hadith, and how a deeper understanding of the time in which these sayings were made can clarify their relevance and application in today’s world. The audience will gain tools to engage with Hadith in a more informed and thoughtful way, helping them navigate both traditional and modern interpretations.
Bedah buku "Resilience as Immigrants: Navigating New Beginnings"
Language: Bahasa
The books discussed in this session offers unique perspectives on the immigrant journey, delving into topics like identity, belonging, cultural adaptation, and the strength needed to overcome obstacles. Join us for an enriching book club discussion centered around the theme of resilience in the immigrant experience. This session will explore the emotional, social, and spiritual challenges that our authors faced when navigating new beginnings in a new and, while drawing inspiration from their experiences that highlight stories of struggle, perseverance, and triumph.
Healthy Soul, Healthy Body: True Beauty and the Resilience of a Muslimah - Wardah
Language: Bahasa
Wardah, as a leader in halal beauty from Indonesia, demonstrates its dedication to supporting Muslim communities, both in Indonesia and abroad. Hence, since 2022, Wardah has marked its commitment to support IMSA, especially the annual event Muktamar IMSA. This partnership would celebrate shared values, expand brand visibility, and strengthen the global presence of both Wardah and the Indonesian Muslim diaspora. Sponsoring the Muktamar IMSA would enable Wardah to emphasize its core message: that beauty and faith are harmonious. This aligns with the aspirations of the Muktamar to showcase the resilience, intellect, and contributions of Indonesian Muslims, especially in America.
Resep Rumah Tangga Bahagia
Language: Bahasa
Membangun rumah tangga bahagia adalah idaman setiap muslim dan muslimat. Apa resep-resep membina dan mempertahankan rumah-tangga bahagia, sakinah, mawaddah, wa rahmah?
Kiat Mengelola Masjid Indonesia di Amerika
Language: Bahasa
Sebagaimana bisa menjadi sarana fital bagi sebuah komunitas. Di Amerika semakin banyak komunitas muslim yang mendirikan masjid sebagai sarana ibadah, pendidikan, sosial, dan kemasyarakatan. Bagaimana kita bisa mengelola masjid dengan optimal sehingga bermanfaat bagi komunitas kita.
Friday prayer and Asr prayer
Ayam Panggang dan Capcay (Baked chicken with stir fried vegetables and rice)
Marriage in Islam: Reviving Romance and Strengthening Bonds
Language: English
While marriage is a sacred partnership based on faith, trust, and commitment, it is also a relationship that thrives on affection, understanding, and emotional connection. In today’s fast-paced world, couples often face challenges in maintaining the romance and intimacy that initially brought them together. This session will provide strategies for reviving the spark and deepening the emotional and spiritual bonds in marriage.
Investing in Your Faith: Building Faith in Everyday Life
Language: English
In this enriching session, we will explore how to intentionally invest in your faith through everyday actions and choices. Faith is not something static; it requires continuous nurturing, reflection, and growth. While spiritual moments of worship are vital, living a faith-driven life in the midst of daily routines is where true transformation happens. Drawing inspiration from the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), this session will explore how even small, seemingly mundane actions can have profound spiritual value when approached with sincerity and purpose.
Kiat Berinteraksi Dengan Gen Z
Language: Bahasa
Anak-anak kita lahir, tumbuh, dan berkembang pada zaman yang berbeda dengan kita dahulu. Terjadi perubahan besar bagaimana mereka belajar dan berinteraksi dengan keluarga dan lingkungannya. Adakah tips praktis untuk berinteraksi dengan mereka?
Asr Prayer for Locality
Living with Purpose: Prioritizing Time for What Truly Matters
Language: English
In this transformative session, we will explore how to live with greater intention and purpose by prioritizing time for what truly matters. In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to get caught up in the rush of daily life, distracted by fleeting concerns and superficial pursuits. This session will help participants refocus on core values, set meaningful goals, and design a life that aligns with your faith and long-term aspirations.
The Final Amanah: Caring for the Deceased and Their Families
Language: English
In this session, speakers will explore the vital responsibilities of caring for the deceased and providing support to their families, a key aspect of Islamic practice known as Amanah (trust). The death of a loved one is a time of deep emotional hardship, and as a community, it is essential to understand how to fulfill our duties in a way that honors both the deceased and their family. This session will navigate the often-overlooked aspects of death and mourning, such as providing ongoing care for the bereaved, ensuring the deceased’s debts and wills are managed according to Islamic principles, and offering the comfort and companionship needed during this difficult time.
Siap Menjadi Mertua
Language: Bahasa
Secara umum pernikahan tidak hanya antara 2 orang saja, tetapi 2 keluarga. Siapkah kita sebagai orang tua untuk menjadi mertua? Apa yang menjadi tuntunan syariah serta sharing practical challenges, pengalaman, serta tips dalam menghadapinya.
MISG Annual General Meeting
Language: English/Bahasa
Ada Hikmah Dibalik Musibah
Language: Bahasa
Hidup ini penuh ujian, karena Allah memang akan menguji semua hambaNya untuk melihat mana diantara mereka yang bersabar. Sebagai muslim kita percaya semua hal ada dalam rencana Allah dan semua ujian pasti ada hikmahnya. Bagaimana cara kita menghadapi ujian Allah? Sebagai Apa hikmah dibalih musibah yang menimpa kita?
Tantangan Interfaith Paska Tragedi Gaza
Language: Bahasa
Tough Conversations: Talking to Teens About Puberty and Sex
Language: English
This session will tackle one of the most challenging yet essential topics for parents and educators—how to talk to teens about puberty, sexuality, and related issues from an Islamic perspective. As adolescents navigate the physical and emotional changes of puberty, it’s crucial to provide them with the knowledge and guidance they need to understand their bodies, their faith, and the ethical principles that govern their behavior. Speakers will explore how to approach these sensitive conversations with confidence, clarity, and empathy, addressing common questions and concerns that teens may have about sexuality, modesty, and relationships.
Maghrib & Isha Prayer and Tadzkirah
Halaqah Recruitment
Semur Daging, Sayur Buncis (Beef stew in sweet soy sauce with green beans and rice)
Curhat, Dong: Unfiltered Discussion
Parenting in America: Navigating Generational Gaps
Language: English
With rapid cultural shifts, technological advances, and evolving social norms, the gap between parents and children can sometimes feel overwhelming, particularly in a society that may not always align with Islamic values. The session will highlight key issues such as balancing traditional Islamic upbringing with the influence of American culture, addressing identity struggles, and managing the impact of social media and technology on children’s lives. Panelists will share diverse perspectives as parents, children, and grandparents, offering valuable insights into bridging generational gaps and fostering stronger family connections.
Fajr Prayer + Ma'thurat
Brother's Exercise: Pencak Silat
Indomie goreng sosis (Fried noodles with chicken franks)
How can Muslim community help support New Muslims - NMC
Language: English
This session will explore the essential role the Muslim community plays in supporting new Muslims as they navigate their journey of faith. Embracing Islam is a transformative experience, but it can also be challenging, as new Muslims face adjustments in their spiritual, social, and cultural lives. Through real-life examples and interactive discussions, the audience will gain actionable strategies for offering practical and emotional support to new Muslims, helping them thrive in their faith.
The Journey to Allah: Embracing Faith’s Ups and Downs
Language: English
The path to spiritual growth is rarely linear, and the journey to Allah is filled with both highs and lows. This session will explore how to embrace the inevitable fluctuations in our faith with patience, humility, and trust in Allah’s wisdom. From moments of deep spiritual connection to times of doubt or distance, speakers will discuss how to navigate the challenges that arise and how to strengthen our relationship with Allah through both ease and hardship.
The Prophetic Approach to Setting and Achieving Strategic Goals
Language: English
This session will explore the timeless wisdom of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in setting and achieving goals, both personal and communal. The Prophet's life offers rich examples of strategic thinking, planning, and perseverance, which can serve as powerful guidance for navigating our own goals, whether they are related to faith, family, career, or personal development. Drawing from key moments in the life of the Prophet, speakers examine his approach to goal-setting, focusing on how he balanced long-term objectives with short-term actions, remained adaptable to changing circumstances, and inspired those around him to work together towards a common purpose.
Humanity in Action: Memberdayakan Keberadaan Kita di US Untuk Manfaat Umat
Language: Bahasa
Islamophobia and Building Resilience in Muslim Communities
Language: English
This session will explore the impact of Islamophobia on Muslim communities and discuss practical strategies for building resilience in the face of discrimination, prejudice, and negative stereotypes. As Muslims around the world continue to face challenges related to misunderstanding and marginalization, it is essential to foster a sense of strength, unity, and perseverance within the community.
Stories of the Sahabah: Resilience and Faith
Language: English
In this session, speakers will recount the powerful stories of the Sahabah (the companions of Prophet Muhammad PBUH), whose lives exemplify unparalleled resilience, unwavering faith, and a commitment to Allah’s cause. The Sahabah faced immense challenges, including persecution, war, loss, and hardship, yet their courage, devotion, and perseverance remain timeless sources of inspiration for Muslims today. Their stories reveal how they turned trials into opportunities for spiritual growth and how their commitment to Allah’s guidance sustained them through the darkest moments.
Shooting Arrows in the Same Direction: Finding Solutions for Continued Collaboration
Language: English
Collaboration is key to achieving collective success, yet in any community or organization, differing perspectives, priorities, and challenges can sometimes hinder progress. Drawing on principles of unity, cooperation, and mutual respect found in Islamic teachings, this session will discuss strategies to overcome obstacles that may arise in collaborative efforts, including communication barriers, conflicting interests, and limited resources.
Penerapan fiqh dakwah dalam program dakwah di Amerika
Language: Bahasa
Dhuhr and Asr Prayer
Ayam Goreng Kremes (Fried chicken with salad and rice)
Prophetic Principles for Purposeful Living: Building Lasting Habits
Language: English
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) exemplified consistency, mindfulness, and intentionality in his actions, and his life offers a powerful framework for building habits that not only improve our personal well-being but also bring us closer to Allah. In this session, speakers will delve into the Prophetic principles that guide us towards purposeful living and how to cultivate lasting, positive habits in our everyday lives.
Dampak hasil pemilu AS 2024 bagi muslim
Language: Bahasa
Pemilu AS 2024 barusan selesai. Sebentar lagi Donald Trump akan dilantik sebagai Presiden ke 47 Amerika. Pada saat yang sama, Congress dan Senate juga dikuasai oleh Republikan. Apa saja dampak yang bisa kita harapkan sebagai muslim dari pemerintahan baru ini?
Asr Prayer for Locality
Why We Need a Relationship with Prophet Muhammad
Language: English
The Prophet (PBUH) is not just a historical figure but a guiding light, whose character, actions, and words continue to shape our faith and inspire us to live with compassion, integrity, and purpose. This session will explore the importance of cultivating a personal relationship with Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), and why it is essential for every Muslim to connect deeply with his life, teachings, and example. Through the Qur'an and Hadith, speakers will delve into the spiritual, emotional, and practical reasons why nurturing this relationship is crucial for our personal growth, our connection to Allah, and our success in both this world and the Hereafter.
Agar iman tetap full setelah muktamar
Language: Bahasa
Alhamdulillah, iman kita sudah full recharged dengan mengikuti rangkaian acara selama muktamar. Bagaimana kita mempertahankan agar keimanan tetap tinggi? Apa hal-hal yang bisa membuat iman turun yang harus kita hindari?
Maghrib and Isya Prayer + Speaker Appreciation
Indonesian sweet and sour chicken or Broccoli steak stir fry (choose either one) with rice
Entertainment Night
Fajr Prayer, Tadzkirah, Farewell from Committee
Family Day: Grand Canyon Trip
Rice with chicken fritters and steamed green beans