
Das'ad Latif
Ustadz Dr. H. Das'ad Latif S.Sos., S. Ag., M.Si., Ph... read more
Shamsi Ali
Dr. Shamsi Ali, Lc. MA is Imam and director of Jamaica Muslim Center, President of Nusantara Foundation, and a Chaplain of the NYC Department of Health & Hospital... read more

Omar Tawil
Imam Omar Tawil is a graduate of DePaul University with a Bachelor's in Religious Studies and is currently pursuing an MA in Islamic Studies and Christian-Muslim Relations from the Hartford Seminary... read more

Yaser Ali
Hafiz Yaser Ali, LLM, M.Ed has been teaching Quran to children and adults in the Valley for over a decade... read more

Azlan Shah Nabees Khan
Ustaz Azlan Shah bin Nabees Khan is a passionate advocate for social progress, dedicated to alleviating poverty in Malaysia... read more

Sakinah Alhabshi
Chaplain Sakinah Alhabshi holds a Master’s in Islamic Studies and Inter-religious Chaplaincy from the Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, and is just starting her doctoral studies in the same field... read more

Sarya Ismail
Imam Sarya Ismail is a graduate of Darul Uloom, Bury (UK)... read more

Anas Hlayhel
Ustadz Anas Hlayhel, studied electrical engineering at the University of Houston... read more

Muthahhir Arif
Ustadz Dr. KH. Muthahhir Arif, Lc., M.Pd currently is imam Istiqlal Houston Texas Islamic Center... read more

Fahmi Zubir
Ustazd Fahmi Zubir Lc, MA is currently an Imam at IMAAM Center in Silver Spring, MD... read more

Dedeh Agustina
Ustadzah Dedeh Agustina is a parenting and family trainer... read more

Rita Pritarini
Ustadzah Rita, well known among IMSA and MISG sisters, was two term IMSA Sister Coordinator for 2007-2010 and has been leading halaqas among sisters in US and Canada... read more

Muhammad Zaki
Chaplain Muhammad Zaki currently serves as a member of the Board of Directors for the Islamic Center of Tucson and is one of the youngest community members to hold this position... read more

Ahmad Honest Qashidi
Imam Ahmad Honest Qashidi received a bachelors degree in Islamic Law and Jurisprudence from Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt... read more

Ifdal Yusuf
Hafiz Ifdal Yusuf completed his Hifz under the esteemed Shaykh Abdelkarim Edghouch and received an Ijazah in various Qiraat from Shaykh Tarek Anwar at Al-Azhar through Mishkah University... read more

Artisia Susanto
Sister Artisia Susanto is a current Islamic Studies student at Qalam Seminary in Dallas, TX... read more

Fadli Muchtar
Hafidh Fadli Muchtar completed his Qur’an memorization at the age of 11 under the guidance and supervision of the esteemed Shaykh Dr... read more

Hiba Kuzaiha
Sister Hiba Kuzaiha is a wife, a mother, a former school teacher, a spiritual counselor, and a paralegal... read more

Yusuf Shah Masud
Ustadh Yusuf Shah Masud is a proud member of the Phoenix Muslim community, having grown up in Chandler... read more

Yamen Atassi
Ustadz Yamen Atassi is a Teacher Trainer at Basira Education and regularly teaches the course "Why Islam is True," founded by Sh... read more

Hania Nuraini
Hafidzah Hania Nuraini started memorizing the Quran at 10 years old and completed her memorization at 11... read more